Training takes place on the training platform on the School website

ATTENTION! To AUTHENTICATE any international center (branch) of Art & Design Life school anywhere in the world, send an email to or WhatsApp, Telegram +447367899788, +48883888495, +33749532888 Mon-Fri 10:00-19:00. The Company is not responsible for any transaction that you make without verifying the AUTHENTICity of any international center (branch)
Art & Design Life school.
In this practical course, you will not waste time and energy on something that has nothing to do with the reality of the profession!

International course
interior designer

In this practical course, you will not waste time and energy on something that has nothing to do with the reality of the profession!

International course
interior designer

Art and design life - school!
Art & Design Life school
It is an international center for the preparation of specialized education and advanced training in the field of design and arts. It also improves pre-university education in design and art.

We provide a unique approach to teaching students the necessary practical, technical, intellectual, innovative skills, including artificial intelligence, neural networks in the field of design and arts in the field of design and arts. Complementing with knowledge in the field of psychology and other intellectual, spiritual and innovative skills necessary for full-fledged work with the surrounding space.

We provide opportunities for obtaining knowledge to generate innovative ideas in the protection and development of historical heritage, the revival of heritage in modern realities, and the adaptation of historical buildings to modern needs.
A fake teacher is a teacher who doesn't do what he teaches.
A true real teacher - does his job every day!

Robert Kiyosaki

For whom?
Courses are held in Polish, English, French, Russian. Also designed for Russian-speaking people living in the UK, Poland, France and other European countries and other countries of the World who would like to receive an international diploma / certificate in the UK and Europe in interior design.

With all the popularity of education in the field of design, this is the first relevant course that meets modern innovative requirements and industry trends, the author of which is a practicing, successful and experienced designer. You will get the practical knowledge that is not given in any educational institution.
This Course is more than an internship, getting step-by-step instructions, clear knowledge and skills, document templates, applications, program settings, contacts, links and other unique information step by step from a professional, practicing mentor.
On the course, students mainly consider the practical, theoretical, technical and innovative aspects of creating interior design in the international market, developing a concept, studying styles and modern trends in design, artificial intelligence, neural networks. Also a full analysis of the specifics of working online / remotely.
Teaching at the school is in Polish, English, French, Russian. Our courses are one of a kind, where Russian-speaking people can get an international design diploma/certificate in Europe, studying in Russian, from teachers with a similar mentality and a special unique international experience with an emphasis on a European approach.
Registration on for the full course International Interior Designer for 2024

registration until September 27, 2024
start of training September 30, 2024

The school is registered in London,
has all the necessary permits to operate in the UK.

The school is registered in Paris,
has all the necessary permits to operate in France.

The school is registered in Warsaw,
has all the necessary permits for activities in the EU.
No. 2.14/00310/2019 in the register of educational institutions in Poland
(Rejestr Instytucji Szkoleniowych (RIS) w Polsce)
Accreditation and recognition
All of our courses and educational programs at Art & Design Life school are fully accredited by the CPD Group with CPD points in the UK.
In total 170 Credit Hours for the London program
PRAGUE, 25 March 2020

The educational programs of the Art & Design Life school have been accredited / quality certified according to the EU standards by the European Association of University Teachers HISTES (Hamburg).

HiSTES certification activities are based on the ISCED International Classification of Education Standards (ISCED) developed by the United Nations (OSN), officially adopted by the UNESCO General Conference and European qualification base EQF, which is integrated into the education system of all EU Member States.

Read more.

For diplomas and certificates issued by our Art & Design Life school and HISTES and certified by a notary, you can optionally get an apostille or super legalization.

Teaching at the International Design School Art & Design Life school meets the standard defined by the International Association of Interior Designers IIDA (USA, Chicago).
Our School is a member of the International Association of Interior Designers IIDA more

Feedback from students


We sincerely thank each student for their feedback. You are best!

During the existence of our School since 2019, we have asked all students to write and give feedback, because this will help many people get a new profession, dare and take this step
into ease, development and self-realization!

All text reviews can be viewed and left on the reviews page here. Video reviews can also be sent by email: All video reviews on this page here.
About the course
The full course takes 3 months
  • Course instructor support
  • Recognized qualification
This course is most suitable for those over 18 years of age (students from 13 to 18 years of age need written permission from their parents), who have a secondary education and who want to study interior design at the international level.
In general 170 Credit Hours
DIPLOMA of international standard in the specialty "International Interior Designer" from the London branch, as well as an application with a UK compliance ID number.
100% online learning through a dynamic student personal account includes video lectures, reading materials, presentations, personal practical developments from the teacher’s own projects, document and contract templates, the book “Interior Styles with Tatyana Antonchenko”, the book “Interior Styles + AI" Classic interior styles, book "Interior Styles + AI" Modern interior styles,
the book “Interior Styles + AI” Ethnic interior styles, case studies, assignments and interaction with a school teacher for 1,5 hours in practical classes via Zoom.

Our School and the programs of the School have been accredited / certified according to the norms and standards of the EU by the European Association of Universities and Teachers, which is based on the international standards for the classification of education developed by the United Nations, officially adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO and European qualification base EQF, which is integrated into the education system of all EU Member States.

Educational programs in "Art & Design Life school" are accredited
CPD Group in the UK.

All our students will receive international diplomas and certificates that are recognized all over the world.

For diplomas and certificates issued by our School and certified by a notary, you can optionally obtain an apostille or super-legalization.

We offer you to learn a new successful, highly paid profession "International Interior Designer",
which will always be relevant as long as people live, create their homes, families, build their businesses.

A profession that is in demand at any time and at all times under any circumstances and in any format, offline and online, and even in virtual reality - you will be a sought-after specialist!

We offer you a unique methodology and format of education that anyone from anywhere in the world can receive.

How is the training going?

We offer you to learn a new successful, highly paid profession "International Interior Designer",
which will always be relevant as long as people live, create their homes, families, build their businesses.

A profession that is in demand at any time and at all times under any circumstances and in any format, offline and online, and even in virtual reality - you will be a sought-after specialist!

We offer you a unique methodology and format of education that anyone from anywhere in the world can receive.

The full course takes place over 3 months.

The course consists of 3 full sessions and the 4th session is the delivery of the graduation project.

You get access to video lessons for 1,5 -2 hours, presentations and all the necessary materials in your personal account on the School website at each session.

At the end of each session, practical classes are held with a teacher via ZOOM or GOOGLE meet, where practical material is explained.

At each block of the lesson, practical and theoretical material, videos and links to the necessary resources will be given.

Next, you complete your homework for approximately 1 - 5 weeks with support in practical classes 2 time per week for 1 lessons of 2 hours in person with a teacher via ZOOM or GOOGLE meet. After submitting and checking your homework personally by the teacher, you get access to the next block of classes for the next session. And so 1,5 sessions - 3 blocks of classes and 3 blocks of homework. Final 3th session - submission and verification of the diploma project. The diploma project is checked and assessed personally by Tatyana Antonchenko.

Upon successful completion of the training, you will receive an international DIPLOMA in the specialty “International Interior Designer” from the London branch, as well as an application with an ID number for compliance with UK standards.

On the course, students mainly consider practical, theoretical, technical and innovative aspects of creating interior design in the international market, concept development, study styles and modern trends in design, as well as a complete analysis of the specifics of working online / remotely.

Course Curriculum
lectures for 1,5 -2 hours

  • Basics of interior design in different countries (including online/remotely). Start.

    Meeting with the customer. Contract

    1.Rules of interior design in different countries (including online/remotely) | Composition of the design - project | Project design stages

    2. Meeting with the customer
    | Discussion of the project | | Pricing | Questionnaire | Agreement and annexes

    3. Psychology in interior design (author's developments)


    4-5 Apartment layout potential in different countries | Walls | Types of walls and load-bearing / non-bearing structures | Rules for the redevelopment of apartments in different countries| Legal component| Zoning

  • Ergonomics
    6. Fundamentals of ergonomics

    7. Furniture selection | Market overview |
    Arrangement of furniture

    Embedded Systems

    8. Kitchen design | General principles | Ergonomics

    9. Dressing room design | Ergonomics

    10. Bathroom design | General principles | | Selection of plumbing | Ergonomics

  • Working computer programs for drawing
    Working computer programs

    Practical classes for 1,5 hours personally with the creator and author of the School Tatyana Antonchenko on ZOOM, where she explains the practical material and gives personal recommendations and contacts.

    The task

  • Trends
    11. Trends in interior design, furniture and home furnishings | Exhibitions in different countries | Resources and sources | Where to get inspiration, information and how to work with it |Search for ideas in paintings, works of art, advertising photography, etc.

    Space coloring

    12. Color in the interior | Color science | Basic principles | Color therapy - the impact of color on a person (author's development) | Contrast | Method of opposition in the interior | Companions | Roll call method

  • Stylistic decision
    13. Interior styles | The book "Interior styles with Tatyana Antonchenko"
    Relationship between style and architecture. Stylization in the interior


    14. Textiles in the interior | Curtain models | Carpets | Art in the interior. Antiques. Historic interiors.

  • Work on a project in different countries (including online/remotely). Design of different rooms
    15 . Bathroom design | General principles | The choice of plumbing | Selection of tiles | Tile layout |
    Kitchen design| General principles
    Living room design | General Principles
    Children's room design | General Principles
    Bedroom design | General Principles
    Cabinet design| General Principles

    Fundamentals of 3D visualization. Working with visualizers Artificial intelligence. Neural networks.

    Practical classes for 1,5 hours personally with the creator and author of the School Tatyana Antonchenko on ZOOM, where she explains the practical material and gives personal recommendations and contacts.

    The task
  • Lighting, heating, ventilation
    16. Heating. Radiators. Convectors, Ventilation and air conditioning

    17. Principles of organization of lighting | Decorative and technical light | Creating a lighting plan | Lighting calculation | Plan of sockets, switches and switching groups

  • Surface Finishing
    18. Ceilings | Constructions | Decorative materials | Wall decoration | Pie walls | Paint | Wallpapers | Decorative materials | Floors | Plinth | doors

    Making a design project

    19. List of drawings | Design project design | Folder for the customer | Project acceptance certificate

  • Estimate. Architectural supervision (including online/remote). Portfolio.
    Brand promotion
    20. Work with contractors in different countries | Author's supervision (including online/remotely)

    Portfolio. Brand promotion. Website. Social networks

    21. Building a portfolio | Brand promotion | Website development |Business | Investment | The development of social networks | Image | Style | Status | Etiquette | Participation in international competitions and exhibitions | Participation in socially significant global projects | Networking

    Practical classes for 1,5 hours personally with the creator and author of the School Tatyana Antonchenko on ZOOM, where she explains the practical material and gives personal recommendations and contacts.

    The task

  • Graduation project defense
    Defense and verification of diploma projects. The diploma project is personally checked and evaluated by Tatyana Antonchenko.

Full Course Cost International Interior Designer

Full Course International Interior Designer on 2024 year

registration until September 27, 2024
start of training September 30, 2024

Installment price for 3 months
(£660 per month)

Cost per payment

Our graduates
80% of our graduates will successfully find jobs in the best studios, some of them will create their own business - design, architecture and decor studios. They write articles and publications, projects win competitions abroad and in their own country. They continue their studies and receive degrees in their profession.
Sample Diploma and applications
Our graduates
80% of our graduates will successfully find jobs in the best studios, some of them will create their own business - design, architecture and decor studios. They write articles and publications, projects win competitions abroad and in their own country. They continue their studies and receive degrees in their profession.
Sample Diploma and applications
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